

一带一路沿线有131个国家,其中大部分的国家都有喝茶的习惯,也有一部分的产茶国。根据2017年的数据,茶叶年产量超过8万吨的有7个国家。“一带一路”倡议给茶叶生产国,消费国提供了很好交流和共同发展的契机,借着“ 一带一路”倡议,中国茶产品的出口也在稳步上升。




“More than 70% of Sri Lanka’s tea is exported to all parts of the world every year. In 2018, the output value of tea exports reached about 1.25 billion yuan, a large part of which was exported to China. Although Chinese tea enjoys a high reputation in Sri Lanka, the general public prefers Ceylon tea.” Guests from Sri Lanka introduced the basic situation of the tea market in Sri Lanka.

斯里兰卡是世界主要红茶生产国,同时也是茶叶出口大国。根据国际茶叶委员会统计数据显示,2018 年,斯里兰卡出口茶叶27.2 万吨,主要出口亚洲国家和俄罗斯。

Sri Lanka is the world’s leading producer of black tea, but also a major exporter of tea. According to the statistics of the International Tea Commission, in 2018, Sri Lanka exported 272,000 tons of tea, mainly to Asian countries and Russia.


Sri Lanka exports tea and imports tea from China and India. In 2018, about 3 million kilograms of tea were imported from China.


Sri Lankan guests stressed: “Circulation is two-way. Tea market is not single, there is black tea market, green tea also has a market; there is a green tea market, black tea also has a market, different tea markets are mutually reinforcing relationship.

(图:斯里兰卡驻华大使馆商务处副专员  萨帕斯·帕瑞拉)

(Figure: Sri Lankan Guest)


Sri Lanka was one of the first countries in South Asia to support the co-construction of the 21st century Maritime Silk Road. The joint development of “The Belt and Road” initiative has provided opportunities for Sri Lanka to develop, and tea trade cooperation has renewed its vitality.



Edwin Limo, Commercial Counselor of the Kenyan Embassy in China, said frankly at the forum: “Green tea and herbal tea will be the future areas of cooperation between China and Kenya, and also hope to develop cooperation between Kenya and China in tea product research and development.”

(图:肯尼亚驻华大使馆商务参赞  爱德文·李默)

(Figure: Edwin Limo, Commercial

Counsellor of the Kenyan Embassy in China)


Kenya mainly produces CTC tea, but in recent years, Kenya has begun to grow green tea and other special tea. It is reported that Kenya began to diversify the development of tea industry and started the production of special tea as consumers’ health awareness became stronger and stronger. At present, the production of black tea, green tea and Chinese herbal tea shows an upward trend, and constantly research and manufacture purple tea, black tea, seasoning tea, oolong tea, tea extract, white tea, tea oil and yellow tea.


In 2018, Kenya’s special tea production could also reach 30 million kg, and by 2021, it could grow to 58 million kg. The government has given strong support in issuing licenses, providing equipment and improving the conditions of tea industry in villages and towns, and encouraged the production of special tea.


Kenya hopes to further develop tea markets in Pakistan, India and China through cooperation in new product development and marketing models.

责编:正 原

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